Environmental Social Science (Human Dimensions)
Course site for EVPP 336 at George Mason University (Spring 2023).
This is a undergraduate-level course on human-environment interactions with a focus on environmental governance and policy-making. In this course, we will look at how humans shape and are in turn shaped by the environment. In approaching this topic, we will emphasize taking a systems approach to understanding human-environment interactions as complex socioecological systems. The course is organized around hands-on learning, with considerable time and effort put toward individual and team-based production of policy and community engagement projects.
Click here for a detailed description of the course.
Meeting Times: Mon & Wed, 1:30-2:45pm
Meeting Locations: Planetary Hall 126
Office Hours:
- TC: David King 3036, Tue 10:30am-12:00pm; and by appointment
- MC: Online by appointment