Table of contents
- Overview
- Reading questions
- Discussion questions
- In-class exercises and write-ups
- Final research-based project
This page contains an overview of our course assignments and draft versions of the actual assignments. The final versions of each assignment will be posted on our course management system, and are subject to change from the ones posted here.
Assignment | Due Date | Points |
Reading questions | Throughout the course | 24 |
Discussion sessions | Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 | 24 |
In-class exercises and write-ups | Weeks 3, 5, 7, 13 | 24 |
Final research-based project | Week 14 & end of term | 30 |
Reading questions
Short reading questions will be assigned for weeks 2-13. These will be basic questions (i.e., if you do the readings you will know the answers). Each week’s questions will be assigned by Thursday the week prior and are due before noon on Tuesday.
Each week’s questions will be worth 2 points for a total of 24 points. Draft of weekly reading questions (subject to change).
Discussion questions
In weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 11, we will have discussion sessions during class. In these discussion sessions, we will critically review social scientific research on the week’s climate governance topic. Questions to facilitate these discussions will be assigned by Thursday the week prior.
Discussion for each session is worth 4 points for a total of 24 points. Draft of discussion questions (subject to change).
In-class exercises and write-ups
In weeks 3, 5, 7, and 13, we will have in-class exercises. In these sessions, we will, both independently and in groups, apply lecture and reading materials to produce knowledge that can be used in some part of the climate policy process. Following each in-class exercise, you will have a short writing task designed to distill what you learned. Your write-ups are due before noon on the Tuesday the week following the exercise.
Each exercise and write-up is worth 6 points for a total of 24 points. Draft of exercises (subject to change).
Final research-based project
The capstone project for this course will be a written assignment emphasizing student production of research in one of three formats described below. You will complete the project in teams of 1-3 students. To practice scientific communication, you will present your projects in week 14 of the class. The final written project is due by 11:59pm on Mon. May 12.
This project, including both written and presentation portions, is worth 30 points. Draft of final project criteria (subject to change).
Research design
An implementable research design on a research question (academic or otherwise) chosen in consultation with the instructor.
Policy memo
A policy memo on a climate governance issue chosen in consultation with the instructor.
Scientific literature review
A review of the scientific literature on some climate politics or governance research topic chosen in consultation with the instructor. This format is ideally done individually.